Sunday, May 22, 2011

Watch Out for the Long-Legged Women

So, as the title states, watch out for long legged women while in Brasil. On most hot evenings, while I lay in bed after watching hours of Novela, I will hear her soft voice singing in the dark. At first it is distant, but the voice gets closer and closer. Just when my eyes have surrendered to the weight of their eyelids and I'm at the doorstep of dreamland, she sneaks into my room, singing her haunting songs. It doesn't matter if I've locked the door, she'll find a way into the room. With the hot nights, she needs her fix. Often, her point of entry is right through the bedroom window. The windows stay open to catch a bit of breeze to chase away the lingering heat.
Right up to my ear she'll come, singing that damm song. Buzzzzzz. Buzzzzz. Yes, once you've been bitten by her sneaky kiss, you'll search for her for hours, looking under the bed, behind the dresser, anywhere where it's dark. "Pernilongo" or in English "long legs" thrives on the blood of its victims. She needs blood to nurish her own young who are still insider her in the form of eggs. She is the mosquito.
If you want to avoid these menacing women with long legs, you need to buy one of the scented plug-ins at the local mercado. Raid makes one that costs a small day's wages, but it seems to work. My only fear is that I'll end of looking like the enemy after a year of breathing the strange fumes that waft through the air. You can also try the trusted "ventilador" or electric fan. Turn it up to storm strength and it helps to blow the ladies out of the room.
Well, I hope this warning helps your future sojourns into Brasil. You are sure to hear a lot of curious titles for things that you're sure to encounter in this beautiful country. For now, take care and be warry. Watch out for the long-legged women.

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